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Tara Hill Rune Kits Sets

Tara Hill Rune Kits Sets


From North America's foremost supplier of handcrafted wood rune sets, talisman pendants, and other rune and Norse-related products since 1984, we bring you our very last available handcrafted Futhark Runes in make-it-yourself kits from Tara Hill's Designs (now a retired collection). Each DIY kit includes, 24 blank pieces of Red Oak or Birch for you to carve and/or paint (including a couple extra if you make a mistake or decide to include a blank rune),  Red Ochre Powder for staining the wood (used since Neolithic times to represent the blood of life, or in this case, the blood shed by the God Odin to gain the Wisdom of the Runes), a pouch with a design emblematic of Yggdrasil,  some sandpaper and easy to understand instructions.

White Light Pentacles distributed these authentic works for many years and we are continuing to offer these beautiful Rune Kits from our collection ...While supplies last​​​​​​

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