Sacred Spirit ® Granular Incense
Incense has traditionally been linked with magick and religion. It is used to purge a place of unwanted influences, and to purify and sanctify a temple for the descent of the Gods. The ancient Assyrians, Babylonians, Hebrews and Egyptians used incenses in ritual observances. The Romans gained their knowledge of incense when they absorbed the Greek nation. The Greeks, as far back as can be told from historical evidence, started off by casting plants and herbs into an open fire. By the time of the institution of the great Greek Oracular Schools, complicated mixtures of herbs, resins and woods were being compounded to aid the Priests and Priestesses with the arts of scrying and prophesy. © 1986 e.v. WLP/SSP
These Exotic Sacred Spirit Resins and Crystal Blends are available in ounce packages as granular incenses for burning on instant-lite charcoal
While supplies last...
Medieval Mix:A high vibration temple and altar incense compounded of the finest Frankincense, Myrrh, and Benzoin resins, use to bless and consecrate
Lotus Crystals: Lotus has, since very ancient times, been used an aid to meditation and a sacred offering to the Gods
Vanilla Crystals: This crystallized extract of the vanilla plant has been prepared for your sensual and ritual enjoyment. The vanilla plant is a member of the orchid family and this is sacred to Venus. Legend has it that the aura of vanilla possesses powerful aphrodisiacal properties.